The Freedom in Unadulting

2021 has already been quite a ride and we are now living in a new world that is happening at warp speed whether we are ready for its new pace or not. Very exciting, the possibilities that are unfolding and scary at the same time, as spring has sprung, the world is getting vaccinated and everyone is giddy with newfound freedoms.

 At times it feels like we are experiencing sensory overload and sometimes I find myself wanting to retreat from the immersion into a functioning world where everyone is adjusting to this new normal and figuring out our path forward. The very reason it is important to stay grounded and steady ourselves vibrationally to envision the life we really want.

 Think of yourself as a butterfly, emerging from a cocoon, as you spread your beautiful wings and pollinate the lives you touch, ask yourself what imprint do you now want to leave on the world?  What changes are you ready to make to live the life of your dreams? What goals are you ready to put into action – to make your dream a reality, to ask for that raise, move to another city or country or putting yourself out there to make that connection.

I recommend Unadulting, get into the practice of releasing yourself from preconceived notions that have become your comfort zone, where all feels too familiar within your control. One of the most important aspects of Unadulting is releasing yourself from judgement, stop holding yourself back by allowing judgement to frame how you see yourself.

Women, we are especially hard on ourselves and we have to let go of the self judgement, the criticism and the rhetoric we tell ourselves about where we are on our journeys, how we look, or about our age and stop considering other people’s opinions before we consider our own – stop asking people or the world what they think before we act or do something.

I am speaking from the perspective of someone who has lived in their head and would make-up stories. Over 2020, I noticed I used the phrases “I can’t” and “I need” more times than I could count.  Through my stillness and becoming more present, it dawned on me that I had been vibrating on a scarcity level and me uttering those phrases were me telling God and the universe I did not have enough. The minute I took inventory of how many times I spoke those and similar disenfranchising words into existence I realized I was circumscribing myself from living a full blissful life. We are here by the grace of God to live fully actualized happy lives. When I started meditating, it released me in a sense, I let go of the stories, stop taking things personal, and started visualizing the life I desired.  

This last year of hibernation/isolation gave me the room to Unadult myself and let my inner child free while also practicing more self-compassion and self-love.  We are halfway through 2021 and before life just happens and things just become routine, I encourage you to be gentler and kinder to yourself, do away with judgement and challenge yourself to pay attention to the words and phrases you use throughout your day that limit your energy and your joy.

If you need some help with Unadulting and implementing the change you want to see in your life, we can work on getting you there through GeChar’s coaching program. Stay tuned for the coaching update. Just want to thank you for staying connected and following us as GeChar is being reimagined.  



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